Luke Him Sau Architectural Collection

Financial Records / Luke Him Sau, Architect.

Record 4
This set consists of 2 sorts of saving certificates and 4 sorts of public bonds owned by the Luke family.

List of items

  • Savings certificates with receipts and envelopes Savings certificates II-4-1/6-1937-4-14;6 items issued by the National Savings Institution; "中央儲蓄會會單" Detail
  • Savings certificate II-4-2/6-1942-5-9;1 sheet issued by the Bank of China; “美金節約建國儲蓄券” Detail
  • Liberty bonds Public bonds II-4-3/6-1937-9;11 sheets issued by the Republic of China; "救國公債" Detail
  • Allied victory bonds II-4-4/6-1942-7-1;4 sheets issued by the Republic of China; "民國三十一年同盟勝利公債" Detail
  • Short-term treasury notes II-4-5/6-1947-4-1;8 sheets issued by the Republic of China; "民國三十六年第一期短期庫卷" Detail
  • Victory bonds with receipts II-4-6/6-1950-3-18&23;9 items issued by the People's Republic of China; “一九五零年人民勝利折實公債券” Detail