Series II: Personal Records
Title: Indenture between Luke Check Man and Dennison Ram & Gibbs (Architects, Civil Engineers and Surveyors) for Luke Him Sau to apprentice at the firm for four years
Item No. I: II-3-3
Item No. II: 7
Item Title I: Dennison Ram & Gibbs
Year: 1923-2-1
Physical: 5 sheets
Record No.: 3
Title: Indenture between Luke Check Man and Dennison Ram & Gibbs (Architects, Civil Engineers and Surveyors) for Luke Him Sau to apprentice at the firm for four years
Item No. I: II-3-3
Item No. II: 7
Item Title I: Dennison Ram & Gibbs
Year: 1923-2-1
Physical: 5 sheets
Record No.: 3